Terry Redlin’s Special Original Artwork
Description: Donated by Bruce Stockman, this Terry Redlin special original painting captures the serene, untamed beauty of nature, blending artistry with a heartfelt connection to the wilderness. Redlin invites us into a scene of tranquil dawn, where a pair of deer pauses in quiet observation, embodying grace and resilience in the stillness of the morning. The rustic cabin in the background, wreathed in a thin plume of smoke, evokes a sense of warmth, home, and the deep bond between humans and the natural world.
Owning this reserve piece is an opportunity to bring that peaceful moment into your own life—a reminder of nature’s quiet power and the nostalgia of simpler times. This is more than a work of art; it’s a legacy, a statement of appreciation for the world’s raw beauty, and a tribute to Redlin’s unique ability to stir the soul.
Reserve Price: Coming soon!
Bid Updates: Highest bids are updated every 20 minutes on Gala Day for both online and in-person participants. Please allow 5 minutes for updates.